Waiting Tips

The fourth tip is PREPARATION.

There is a popular saying that “success is when opportunity meets preparation.” I heard the story of a young man who prayed for an opportunity to travel out of the country. One day, his boss asked him to bring his international passport because he wanted him to go with him on a business trip abroad. But the young man replied that he did not have a passport. The opportunity came (in answer to his prayers) but met him unprepared. Benjamin Franklin said “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.”

It is time to prepare for your child (James 2:14-18). In the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), what differentiated the wise virgins from the foolish virgins was their preparation for the bridegroom. Preparation is the hand open to receive from God.

How to prepare:

  • Nutrition: A balanced and healthy diet that includes sources of protein, whole grains, vegetable and fruits, and sources of calcium should be maintained. Take some vitamin supplement (if necessary). Doctors also recommend regular intake of folic acid.
  • Exercise: Exercise regularly to keep you in shape and get rid of stress. A healthy body is more receptive to becoming pregnant.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Losing or adding weight as appropriate can boost conception. Research shows that women who are obese before pregnancy are more likely to have babies with birth defect.
  • Avoid lubricants, large amounts of caffeine and vitamin A, smoking, alcohol, hot tubs, stress, marijuana, fish with high mercury alcohol, exposure to toxic substance etc.
  • Take time to rest.
  • Talk with your spouse about how the responsibilities will be shared when the baby comes.
  • The birth of a child means loss of control over your time and body, so make good use of your time while preparing. Apply for a course or learn a desired hobby.
  • See a dentist: Bacteria in the mouth can lead to gingivitis and other issues, which in turn have been shown to result in pre-term babies and low birth weights.
  • Start designing your baby’s room  — pick the colour scheme and design for the room; start shopping for clothes and simply add works to your faith

Abraham Lincoln said “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” It is time to prepare for the birth of your miracle; your sons and daughters are here.


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