It is often said that everything in life is subject to change, hence not constant; Life itself is constantly evolving, what seems to be trending and in existence today, may cease to trend or exist tomorrow. There was a time in the recent past, when people had bulky black and white television sets in their various houses but today, finding a black and white TV in a household would be like searching for a needle among haystacks.
Though we live in a fast paced and ever changing world, God is ever constant; His word and promises remain unfailing and unchanging because God and His word are one. All through the Scriptures, we see God telling us about His nature or character- He is eternal, the same yesterday, today and forever and therefore not subject to changes. To affirm the immutability of His person or character, He said in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord, I do not change;” God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should change His mind. When He speaks, He acts in accordance with what He has spoken and when He promises, He surely fulfils His promises.
Humans are fickle, it is in their nature to vacillate, change or lie. A person can promise to help or do some things on your behalf, but due to some reasons beyond his control, even when he is willing to help out, he may find himself unable to. Others may have the resource and ability to help just as they have promised, but they end up reneging on their words. The best of man is and would always be man. Take for instance, when two people come together in marriage, they exchange marital vows (which is synonymous to a covenant), to love and cherish each other through the highs and lows, death being the only separator. But few years down the line, we find couples going their separate ways despite the marriage vows.
Peradventure, you are experiencing some unpleasant challenges in your marriage, be assured that God’s unfailing word can and will work for you, if you will allow Him. Get quiet and seek Him in the place of prayer and the word, let His word bring healing and restoration to your home.
Has God told you some things about your life and it seems as if it’s taking forever to manifest? Get this down within your Spirit man- God cannot lie, His word, promises and covenant is unbreakable and unfailing; though it is possible to stray from His covenant just as the children of Israel did in the old covenant, but each time they forsook their evil ways and went back to God, He received them with open arms just like in the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32.
You may have checked yourself and everything seems to be intact in terms of your walk with God, but you still can’t understand why the promises seems to be taking forever to manifest; know for certain that God’s word will not prove false but rather bring His promises to pass in your life. Go back to God with the word He has given you and thank Him for the fulfilment of His promises. If “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled” as written in Joshua 21:45, though they were under the old covenant, how much more do you think He would do for us who are operating under a new and better covenant ratified not with the blood of bulls and goats but that of His dearly beloved Son. Selah
I welcome you to the year 2019, our year of God’s Unfailing Covenant.
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