Romance: the life line of marriage

“Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love”. (Proverb 5:18-19 NKJV)

Romance comes almost naturally whilst dating but once married, couples tend to become consumed with the daily worries of everyday life such as rent, bills and parenting and forget about each other. A writer commented that marriage is like fire; if you don’t stoke it, it will go out. Romance is one sure way to stoke your marriage.

Romance involves meeting your partner’s most important relationship needs. It is different from sex -you can be romantic but not have sex, and you can have sex with no romance involved. Romance is not about satisfying yourself but satisfying your partner (although that’s not to say you won’t enjoy the process too). It is basically speaking your partner’s love language continuously. There are five basic love languages namely:

  • Words of affirmation;
  • Quality time;
  • Gifts;
  • Acts of service;
  • Physical touch.

Mastery and creative use of the above five languages will give your marriage the required spark.The first step however is to become a student of your spouse. Men and women view romance differently; men tend to be more physical in their expression, while women are usually more relational.

Below are some tips on how to re-ignite the spark:

  • Tell your partner that you love him – Don’t assume that your partner is assured of your love for him. Verbalize your feelings for him, it will go a long way in making your partner feel wanted and secure in the marriage.

You can send a hand written love note – Elaine Orbach, compiled the daily love notes written by her husband into a book titled Remember how I love you: Love letters from an extraordinary Marriage, she concluded by saying “my love poems from Jerry are keepsakes that I will treasure forever”.

  • Pay attention your appearance – The longer people are married, the less attention they tend to pay to their physical appearances. Take time to look good for your spouse. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable around the house, but pay attention to how you present yourself.
  • Take time to touch – A touch seals the moment in memory. It does not necessarily have to be with the intention of having sex, sometimes just holding hands, a gentle caress of the hair or an impromptu back rub or foot massage can go a long way.
  • Take time to laugh together (Proverbs 17:22) – Laughter bonds people together. Jane Leyo says “You can’t stay mad at somebody who makes you laugh”. Don’t take yourself too seriously, poke gentle fun at each other but steer clear of sensitive issues or comments. Study what makes your partner laugh and use it.Research has shown that couples that laugh together have a more satisfying love life.
  • Play together – It is important to have fun, don’t get so loaded with pressure and responsibilities. Be kids again, remember some games you played as a child like hide and seek etc. and share the fun with your partner. Even King Solomon played hide and seek with his beloved (Songs of Solomon 3:1-4)
  • Set date nights –Make time to be alone, don’t invite friends or take the kids along.Do something special together at least once a week but be sure to do something you will both enjoy as this will create memories and draw you closer as a couple. It does not have to be anything expensive; you can go for a massage, free dance classes, cooking classes etc.
  • Be encouraging –Let your spouse know how proud you are of him. Never underestimate the power of positive words. Even if your spouse is not living up to your expectations, encourage and applaud how far he has come.

A husband got home to a romantic candle lit dinner prepared by his wife. After the meal, he tried to turn on the light and found that the electrical power was out. His wife responded that ‘the power was cut off because he forgot to pay the bill’, but instead of making a fuss over the issue, she decided to used the situation to their advantage. He apologized and never forgot to pay the bills again. Had she attacked his forgetfulness, she would have missed out on a great opportunity. Criticism kills romance.

  • Revisit shared history – Make time to return to location(s) that hold special meaning to you. Relive good times from the past.
  • Share a hobby– Sharon O’Neill, a marriage and family psychotherapist says, “couples who are not engaged in any joint activities are living parallel lives… there is no real connection. Learning together alleviates boredom, routine and doldrums”.
  • Share yourself –Don’t keep your dreams, fears, likes, dislikes and achievements to yourself. While there is need for personal space, don’t be too far away emotionally from your spouse.
  • Surprises – Make efforts to surprise each other. Don’t always be predictable, do the unexpected for your partner.
  • Take time to kiss passionately (Songs of Solomon 1:2) – Jim Burns suggests that married couple should kiss passionately for at least 15seconds every day. Don’t stick to the automated goodbye kiss.

Sustaining romance in marriage can be hard work. Try to remember the golden rule of “Doing unto others what you want them to do to you.” (Luke 6:31). Romance your spouse till he declares like the bride in Songs of Solomon 2:5 that “I am sick with love”.

Marriage is the best investment that can ever be made, so it is important to do all you can to ensure that your union is successful.

If your partner seems unromantic or unappreciative of your gestures, change your approach! Don’t give up because a good marriage takes work.

Conflict Resolution in Marriage

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Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. (Roman 12:17-18 NKJV)

When two people with different background, personalities, attitudes and idiosyncrasies decide to live together, some sparks are expected to fly. Disagreement is bound to happen in marriage but they do not have to degenerate to hurtful arguments wherein resentment, hatred and often violence or divorce can occur. Resolution of conflict in marriage is very instrumental to the success of any marriage.

If any human relationship will be successful, effective conflict resolutions skills are necessary for the management of conflicts when they arise. Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional.

Marriage experts have highlighted the below as the major cause of conflict in marriage:

  • Money – Marriage counselor identify this as the major conflict that leads to divorce
  • In-laws – The type of relationship and influence one’s in-laws can have in the home sometimes cause rift in a relationship
  • Sex – This is an emotional issue. Some partner for fear of hurt or rejection refuse to discuss their feeling about sexual issues
  • Child rearing – This is an energy consuming task, and conflict arise in the area of delegation of duties or pattern of parenting

Some conflicts might require you loving confronting the issue with your partner. Below are thing to watch for when confronting an issue with your partner:

  • Your motivation ­– the purpose of the discussion should be for resolution (Matthew 5:24)
  • Conducive environment – be sensitive to the timing, location and setting. Don’t bring up the subject of conflict if your partner is just getting home from work, stressed, hungry or in front of the children
  • Conversation outlines ­– stick to the issue at hand. Concentrate on the major problem, don’t mix it up with minor problems
  • Your attitude- communication is beyond spoken words, so be cautious of your facial expression and body language

In the process of resolving conflicts, below are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • “Have it your way” – This happens if efforts at the resolution is not successful. This attitude should be avoided because it does not resolve the conflict but defers the day of outburst and revenge. Appeasing or flee the scene of the conflict does not quench the fire of conflict except if the flight is to return to the issue later when there is less tension.
  • “Must have it my way” – This is a selfish tendency that inhibits the progress of resolution process
  • “Have it any way you want” – This is the stage of indifference that is not productivity for any home.

If you and your partner have a difference of opinion, try approaching conflict with some of these guidelines in mind:

  • Pray about the conflict before discussing with your partner
  • Never use the silent treatment
  • Don’t play the blame game, take responsibility for your error
  • Don’t sweep the conflict under the rug either (Hebrews 12:15)
  • Agree to always listen to each other’s feeling even if you disagree with the appropriateness of the feeling (Proverbs 15:1)
  • Never say anything derogatory about your partner’s personality (Proverbs 11:12)
  • Be honest about your emotions but keep them under control (Proverbs 29:11)
  • Don’t try to dominate or monopolize the discussion, allow your partner air his views
  • Determine to always make it work, each should commit to 100% to the resolution (50-50 rule rarely works) (Romans 12:18)
  • Find out facts rather than guessing or assuming motives and actions. Don’t be a mind reader.
  • Don’t jump into conclusion, communicate and talk things over (Proverbs 18:13)
  • Take care of problems that hurt the feeling in the relationship first, then focus on problem of difference in opinion
  • Don’t involve friends, family or in-laws except in extreme cases
  • Attack the issue not the person; don’t attack each other. Eliminate statements such as “You are, you never, you always” instead use “I feel”
  • Never counter-attack or seek revenge (Romans 12:17, 19)
  • Don’t keep an idle mind or meditate on the wrong done
  • Don’t fight over little things. No one is perfect, don’t complain about every little thing
  • Be willing to compromise and forgive (Ephesians 4:23) once an offence has been forgive, it means it has been wiped off the slate and would not be revisited in future discussion nor a consequence given. 1 Corinthians 13 says “Love keeps no record of wrong”.

When you say “am sorry”, mean it and don’t repeat the same mistake again

  • The resolution of the conflict is most important, not who wins or lose. Find a common ground.

Conflict in itself is not bad because it simply reflects your difference; however, unresolved conflict is like cancer eating away at the very core of the home. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath (Ephesians 4:23). Pray about the issue if need be and address it accordingly.

Your partner is not the cause of your anger, it is an emotion that resides within and can be controlled.



Communication in Marriage

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“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” (Colossians 4:6 NKJV)

Communication is an art necessary for the success of any relationship. It is beyond spoken words, it involves emotions, facial expressions, tone, body language etc. Men and women communicate differently, so it is therefore imperative that you learn to be an effective communicator and listener.

Effective communication involves letting your partner know where you are emotionally, intellectually and physically, it is not a shallow discussion of events and people.

Experts have identified five levels of communication in marriage:

  1. Frivolous level – casual talking, level of acquaintance
  2. Factual level – sharing information, digging into the knowledge of various subjects
  3. Fellowship level – sharing of ideas, judgments and philosophies. At this stage one can risk rejection of beliefs.
  4. Feeling level – sharing of emotions and feelings
  5. Freedom level – gut level sharing. Complete openness with mate. Sharing of deepest fears, dreams, ideas or feelings without fear of rejection. This is the secret of lasting love.

It is estimated that humans spend 70% of our waking time communicating, 30% of which is talking. This means that over half of our communication is non-verbal. We therefore have to be aware of what we communicate with our bodies as well as with our words.

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House or Home

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A house is built with cement, sand and water but a home is built with love, joy, peace and friendship. Often, people prioritise security measures such as big gates, security guards, police escorts and CCTV, and although this is not to say that these security measures are not important, the most important security a home can have is that of love, laughter and goodwill. The foundational building block of the society – the family – is gradually crumbling, as there is an increase in the number of homeless people living in big houses. Yes, it is possible to live within four walls and a roof and be homeless.

With so much strife and stress wrought upon us by the outside world, the home should be a haven or place of refuge. According to Maslow, in the hierarchy of human needs, safety is the second most fundamental human need, after basic physiological needs such as food, sleep, breathing etc. Safety is not just about physical dangers; we also need to feel safe and secure within our families. We are in a constant fight for safety, be it financial, health or job security, which is why our home should be our safe place.

Proverbs 25:24 says, “It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house with a contentious woman.” This goes some way to explain why many bars and hangouts are filled at night. Husbands and children would rather stay out late than deal with a contentious home.

As a woman, you have the power to determine the atmosphere in your home; so set out to ensure that your home is a peaceful, loving environment. It has been said that “Safety is not the absence of danger; it is the presence of God.” Allow the presence of God to saturate your home. Psalm 16:11 says “In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Even if your spouse annoys you, the Bible says to forgive seventy times seven (Matthew 18:22). Don’t allow the sun to go down on your wrath; resolve every issue before going to bed. Apologize even if you are the offended party – then, once peace has been restored, seek to calmly discuss the issues to prevent them from reoccurring. Don’t always seek your own way; there is no shame in being wrong. Appreciate your spouse’s little efforts and pay him compliments.

Don’t let the devil distract you by making your home unsecured. As imperfect as we all are, your home should be a reflection of heaven on earth.

Sex education and your little children


“Mummy, can I have sex?” Joy asked

“Ehn??  Sex? No ooo, you must not till you marry” her mother stammers.

“Can I at least kiss?”

“Don’t kiss either” her mother replies and walks out, shocked at her daughter’s questions but leaving the child more confused by not offering further information.

The trepidation with which parents approach sexual related talks with their children is disheartening. Most parents would rather relinquish the role to schoolteachers or the mass media. Although I do not wish to condemn this, after all teachers are supposed to instruct our children, however, most of the teachings are purely concerned with the physical act of sex. Other parents put down a blanket rule of sex being banned with the reasons given being “Because I said so!” or “Because God said it’s a sin!” Others, feeling it is inevitable, may hand their son or daughter a condom and tell them to “be safe.”  The child thereby tolls the old path of“experience is the best teacher”.

Proverb 22: 6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”. Sexual education should start at an early age however the degree of information should be age appropriate.  As a child grows, certain sexual related questions will arise and it is the parent’s responsibility to proactively answer the questions. The parent may have to compete with the hyper sexualized media, tolerant sex education in the school, peer pressure and the child’s desire to explore.

Taking into account the number of competing alternative information sources, it is imperative to constantly pray for and with your children. As you pray, the Lord will build a hedge around your children.

Talking to your children about sex and sexuality can be uncomfortable at first but with time and practice, it will get easier.Seize teachable moments as they occur, the discussion could be initiated from watching a movie on puberty or sex, or seeing a pregnant teenage neighbour. Tell your daughter where NO ONE should ever touch her until she is married – with the exception of a medical doctor if she needs to be examined. She should also start cleaning herself from an earlyage.

Let me point out here that certain myths as told to us by our parents like “if you use a guy’s toilet you will be pregnant”, “Don’t go near the guy’s hostel lest you be fried and eaten” etc. might not be applicable to this generation, given their level of exposure. You have to be realistic in your explanations and conversation with your children.

Other things to do asides the teaching:

  1. Develop a relationship with your children so that they can tell you anything.
  2. Build trust in your children. Most children don’t tell their parent if they are being harassed or molested sexually because the perpetrator tells them “no one will believe you” or threatens their safety and the child believes him/her (the molester).
  3. Let your children trust you with their secrets and also believe that you trust them and will believe them if they tell you, even if it about their stepfather or uncle. In 2 Samuel 13, Absalom took the law into his own hands because David did nothing about Tamar’s rape- do something within the confinement of the law of your land and the laws of God.
  4. Ensure parental control on certain movies and videos.
  5. Be watchful of the environment in which your child is allowed to stay. Don’t allow your child stay unguarded with anyone of the opposite sex. The devil can use anyone that yields to him.

Given the increase in the rate of child molestation, the below are signs to watch out for in children:

  1. Withdrawal – sudden withdraw from people including her family and friends or becoming unnecessarily clingy.
  2. Becoming unusually secretive
  3. Sudden personality change, mood swings or insecurity
  4. Acting in an inappropriate sexual way with toys or objects
  5. Regression to infantile behaviours such as bedwetting, thumb sucking etc.
  6. Sudden reluctance to being left alone with a particular child or person
  7. New adult word for body part and no obvious source
  8. Physical signs such as unexplainable bruises or pain in the genital or mouth.

If you notice any of the above sign(s), create a dialogue and ask questions. No evil will befall your children in Jesus name.


Also read “RAPE!!! Unmask it”in the link below:




Then Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.  – Matthew 18:21-22

Ever been hurt so bad, you can think of nothing but revenge?

As a human being, you will be offended – you may be scolded, jilted, raped, abandoned or betrayed and the natural instinct will be to coil in self-protection or seek revenge. Neither helps the situation. You should look beyond the hurt; forgive and be healed. A hurting person will hurt others, thereby creating a vicious circle of avoidable hurts and pain.

You might not be able to control other people’s actions or decisions, but you can control yours. There is a popular adage that “you cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from perching on your head.” Being offended is a choice, choose to forgive. C.S Lewis says “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”

Unforgiveness wraps you in the past, which makes it impossible to enjoy the present or the future. New relationships will not be formed or enjoyed until past hurts are allowed to go. Really, there is no point holding on to the past. It is like tying yourself to a tree and expecting to move forward; you will only end up with bruises and expelled energy. It’s time to cut the chains of unforgiveness and move forward. It is medically proven that cold and flu (as well as other sicknesses) can easily develop where there are angry emotions. You don’t need it.

Forgiveness is a sign of emotional and spiritual maturity. Mahatma Gandhi said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” It does not come easy to man; it is a conscious decision with the help of God.

Do you find it difficult or impossible to forgive? Here is how to go about it:

  1. Acknowledge the pain or hurt.
  2. Honestly address your feelings: realise that the hate you feel does not harm the person like you wish – it is like drinking poison and waiting for your offender to die.
  3. Look for the positive or benefit from the hurt: he left you so that God can bring someone better and more deserving your way.
  4. Deliberately refuse to dwell on the past or tell the story, and if you must, tell it from the other person’s perspective.
  5. Pray for the person.
  6. Trust God to heal your heart.
  7. Set better boundaries – not to shut yourself in but to define your relationships going forward.

Sometimes, you might have to apologise though you are the offended. The truth is that it will make you a better person.


Honey, we are on the same Team


Segun’s sudden habit of staying out late and withdrawing from our  family was  concerning. I became angry and confrontational and he beat me. I tried to get him  to stop this behaviour with tears but he was unmoved. Then I decided to forgive  and love him without waiting for his apology and I went on my knees to pray for      him.

 Jehovah rekindled our love; Segun came home one night full of apologies and  promises of being a better husband. And he has kept every promise.

Ever wonder what the rationale behind your spouse’s words or behaviour is?If you can’t understand it, attack sometimes seems like the best option. The truth is that the human mind will willingly think the worst about what it cannot explain or understand. Romans 12:2 says ‘do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds’. This indicates that we have the power to control what we allow our minds to meditate on – the hurt or the love!!

No matter what your spouse has done, don’t dwell on the negative thoughts because they will hold you back from forgiving. Instead, the Bible says to ‘meditate on the things which are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report’ (Philippians 4:8). Are the thoughts you have concerning your spouse affectionate and loving?If not, you need to change your thinking so that resentment will not set in.

Regardless of what he might have done, your responsibility is to forgive and not dwell on the hurts. I am not saying live in denial, but it is vital that you do not to allow hurt take root in your heart.Forgive, meditate on love and pray for your spouse – it will set you free. Martin Luther King Jr.said, “I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear”.

Remember, your spouse will never deliberately hurt you. We must therefore not be ignorant of the enemy of marriage -Satan. His mission as we know is ‘to kill, steal and destroy but [Christ] has come to give us life more abundantly’ (John 10:10). The enemy is not your spouse, it is the devil, which is why the Bible says our ‘weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ’ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Resentment, bitterness and malice are contrary to the understanding of Christ. We cast them down in your life in the name of Jesus!

By knowing our enemy, we will not fight against flesh and blood but powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wickedness in the heavenly places. The strength of any marriage is not just in the good times but also in the obstacles surmounted together. The Bible says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour, for if they fall; one will lift up his companion” (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

You and your spouse are on the same team, so team up to fight the enemy,not each other.


My boss’ sudden interest in my welfare became rather uncomfortable. I sought counsel from my friend who encouraged me that I should reciprocate. He gave me a lecture. He summarized by saying “she probably just likes you, but on the other hand, if it’s some kind of overture, then go for it.. plenty of fun and funding.

With time, I became interested and started giving her attention. She responded as expected and before long we were constantly meeting at different hotels. I ensured she didn’t lack attention, love and warmth, and she ensured my pocket was always lined and my promotion came regularly.

One day, her husband suddenly came up with a holiday plan just for the two of them. She was reluctant to go, saying she will miss my company. Eventually she did but came back a changed person. She announced the end of our affair; she topped the announcement with a letter of transfer to another department saying “she has told her husband the truth about us. He has forgiven her and now, they are both willing to work on their marriage”.

Prov 14:1 says “the wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands”. You might say “my husband is irresponsible”, yes, he might be but you take the cue for being responsible. Wise woman, take a stand and build up your home, irrespective of your husband’s behavior.

Any act of infidelity opens up the home to the devil’s attack. More importantly is that the Lord only commands his blessings in the place of unity. Heb 13:4 says “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

The truth of the matter is you can prayerful and instructively take back all that’s yours from the devil (the enemy). You have what it takes to take charge of the atmosphere in your home.

Remember, your husband is not the enemy.

Build your home with love, care and prayers, Wise Woman…..


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A young soldier fell in love with an American Red Cross girl and therefore decided to divorce his wife, with two kids. Upon his return to America, he asked his wife for a divorce saying he was in love with someone else (the Red Cross girl).

But his wife had a quaker upbringing, which meant that she had a quiet inner strength. She did not panic or fly into jealous rage. Instead she told her husband that she knew him better and would not give him the divorce. He pleaded and told her how unreasonable holding on to him sounded. She insisted that she believed God’s plan for them was to be together and not divorce, and that their marriage was only going through a storm that would soon pass.

The husband left home in annoyance and moved in with the Red Cross girl, hoping his wife would become frustrated and give in to his request, but the wife got on her knees and prayed to God for the restoration of her marriage. After a long wait, the Red Cross girl decided to leave him, having realized how ridiculous it was living with a married man that could not be her husband. By this time, the man was also missing his family.

He finally went back home amid tears and apologies to his wife, who welcomed him quietly. Saved by the emotional balance, prayers and good sense of a godly woman, the marriage was restored.

Every marriage is a ministry. This ministry, like every other, has its ups and downs, and no two marriages are exactly same. There is however a consolation, as written in 1 Corinthians 10:13, that no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. There is a solution to every challenge faced in marriage and the strength of any marriage is dependent on the challenges it is able to overcome.

Just as shoe sizes are different, so are marital issues peculiar to individual experiences. The devil does not want successful and happy marriages. According to John 10:10, the devil’s aim is to kill, steal and destroy. There are various ways by which the devil tries to destroy marriages: infidelity, adultery, etc. The way to confront these vices will be discussed in other writings.

God has equipped you with the needed grace to handle your spouse, so do not easily give up on him/her. Just like the woman in the story, there is an inner strength in everyone to handle his/her spouse and home.

You may wish you could change your spouse or even think that you should not have married him/her, but remember that God is faithful and will not give you more than you can bear. You may say ‘you don’t know what I am going through’. You are right that I do not, but I know God’s ability to save the marriage of all who call on him. The way of escape stated in the Bible is not divorce; it is the inner strength from God to pray and fight through for our marriages. John 14:13 says, “Whatever you ask in my name, that I will do.” That is a blank cheque from God. You can ask for grace to handle your home. Some of your friends upon hearing your story might say, ‘I can’t stand such nonsense.’ They are absolutely right because they can stand theirs but not yours because you are involved in two different marriages and married to two different persons.

Statistics show that we have more divorces than we have stable marriages. The devil will have us believe that nothing can be done to save our marriages, but that is not true. Every one of us can do something, no matter how small. You will be amazed at the result. Ezekiel 22:30 says, “I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” Be the one to stand in the gap for your spouse and family.