Faith: A Precursor to Victory

The story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea is one of the popular stories of the Bible, where we have the opportunity to see the display of God’s power, wrought on behalf of his covenant people. Before the Red Sea parted, we were told that the Egyptian army under the headship of their king was in hot pursuit after God’s people. The purpose of the pursuit was to take them back into servitude in the land of Egypt. Like any person faced with a real or perceived threat, they cried out in terror and even blamed their leader for what they considered would be their imminent death. But what did the Israelites do under the leadership of Moses, despite their initial outburst? They kept moving forward. This must have seemed suicidal but they still went ahead because they had heard the word from the Lord, which is: “…Tell the children of Israel to go forward.”
The children of Israel had two choices: either to obey the word of God and act in faith by moving forward into the Red Sea, or disobey and stay put so the Egyptians could take them away back into captivity. If most of us were given those choices, a lot of us, because of the fear of death, would opt out for slavery. But where fear is in operation, faith cannot prevail. Where there is no faith, we can’t please God and experience the miraculous.
Second Chronicle 16:9 says, “For the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His….” (HCSB) God always shows Himself strong on behalf of those who will totally trust (rely) in Him by faith. Because the children of Israel moved forward by faith, they saw the miraculous and were delivered permanently from the hands of their oppressors. After the Red Sea incident, never did the Egyptians bother the Israelites again.
By faith the people [of Israel] crossed the Red Sea as though they were passing through dry land; but when the Egyptians attempted it they were drowned. Hebrew 11:29 (AMP)
Faith is a precursor to victory; you can’t walk in victory without walking in faith. To be victorious in life’s daily challenges, we need to walk in faith founded on God’s word, even when the odds are against us or we find ourselves under contrary circumstances.
Every biblical figure who walked and lived victoriously did so by faith. This we see clearly summarized in the anchor scripture cited above: they subdued kingdoms, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions etc. If God has given you a word, run with it and He will show Himself faithful because He will never deny Himself. .
As new covenant believers, we are and should operate from a standpoint of victory, based on the finished works of Christ on the cross of Calvary (His death, burial and resurrection). Jesus disarmed principalities and powers, made a public shew of them and triumphed over them through the cross. He has given this victory to His body—the church—to enforce on the earth. If you have given your life to Christ, you are a member of His body and you have the covenant right to exercise the authority He gave to His body.
I see you victorious over every unpalatable circumstances of life in Jesus name.

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