I once heard a preacher say, “But miracles are no accidents; they are the deliberate acts of God in response to the desperate faith of men. However, it takes not just faith but Unshakeable Faith – that is, TRUST to move the hand of God to unleash the supernatural.” Whenever there is a manifestation of the supernatural, when seeming impossibilities become possible, we say a miracle or wonder has occurred.
From time to time, we find ourselves in situations that require our having to exercise desperate trust/faith in God because we live in a fallen world, one under Satan’s rule. No human on earth is exempted from the assaults of Satan; everyone faces a period of crisis or challenges in life, and God is not the author of crisis. The scripture says that our enemy—the devil—walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But we are not meat for the devil because we are the redeemed of the Lord. We have been made overcomers because we are God’s children, and greater is He that is in us than he (the devil and his cohorts) that is in the world.
God causes us to triumph always in Christ Jesus. But, for us to remain triumphant and continually experience the supernatural, we need to take Him at His word, just as King Jehoshaphat and the children of Judah did when the people of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir rose up against them in battle in 2 Chronicles 20. Obviously, King Jehoshaphat and his people were outnumbered. They did not have the military might to face their enemies, so they turned to God for deliverance.
And God answered them by giving them a word through Jahaziel the son of Zechariah. He told them not to be afraid or be dismayed because of the great multitude, as the battle was not theirs’ but His. He further assured them that they would not need to fight in that particular battle, they should just position themselves and be still, and they would see His salvation.
On the day of battle, they positioned themselves as instructed by God. Rather than take up arms and ammunition, they began to sing and praise God based on their trust in what He said He would do- His Word. While they were doing this, the Bible records that God set an ambush against the people of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir. They helped themselves to utterly kill and destroy one another until there was no enemy left standing, except the spoils of war, which took the children of Judah three days to gather.
This is what we call a wonder: enemies that had joined hands together for a common cause turning against one another until they completely destroyed themselves, leaving behind an abundance of good things (spoils) which they had accumulated over a period of time.
As present day believers, bought and washed in the blood of the Lamb, we may not have the likes of Jahaziel who would say ‘Thus says the Lord,’ but we have the sure Word of prophecy, which is God’s Word and His Spirit resident in us. When we are faced with the challenges of life or the assault of the enemy, we can and should always turn to Him and His Word for direction. Hold on to His Word, and whatever he tells you to do, do. And do not forget that you have a powerful weapon, which is praise. In this month of wonders, the enemy that tries to ravage you or your household will be totally destroyed. They will end up leaving you more prosperous financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc., in Jesus name.
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