September – Supernatural Lifting

Joyful Woman

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person. Job 22:29

What do you do when it seems you have lost it all, when your friends and loved ones desert you intentionally or unintentionally and you feel all alone in the world? I believe we would all react differently due to our personalities and belief system. But it is important to always keep in our heart and remember during the high and low seasons of life that, as God’s children, we are never really alone, even when it feels that way. He has said that He would never leave nor forsake us; He is with us till the very end (this is inclusive of the good times and the bad times). But because we dwell in this mortal body and the renewing of our mind is ongoing, we tend to forget this truth when we are faced with life’s challenges or complexities.

If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t beat yourself down; you are not alone. Bible characters such as Joseph, David, Hannah, Naomi, Moses, etc. felt that way at some points in their lives. It seemed as if they had lost it all but they rose from the debris against all odds to a place of prominence and lifting because God was with them.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and later imprisoned based on false accusation, but he didn’t remain a slave forever. He became the prime minister of the nation where he had lived as a slave and prisoner.

Naomi felt forsaken and asked that her name be changed from Naomi (pleasantness) to Mara (bitter) because of the death of her husband and sons. I can imagine people telling her, just as Job’s friend told him, that all that happened to her and her household was because of something they did or didn’t do. But God compensated her through her daughter-in-law (Ruth) and made her rejoice again.

David fled the land of Israel because Saul wanted to kill him, though God had chosen him and he had been anointed king over Israel much earlier. While on exile with his men, the Amalekites came and raided their base in Ziklag in their absence, and took away their wives and children as captives. That must have been a very devastating experience for David and his men.

The Bible records that all the men wept till they had no more strength to cry and David was blamed for the misfortune. They went as far as wanting to stone him. This must really have been a low point in the life of David. He not only had to deal with the loss of his family and those of his men, but the men whom he had come to love, trust and depend on thought of stoning him. But David did not cave in; in spite of all these, he encouraged himself in the Lord (he must have reflected on and declared repeatedly to himself all he knew about God’s faithfulness and promises concerning him), sought God’s face and received strength to rise up to the occasion by providing direction for his men regarding the recovery of their families. He pursued, destroyed and dispossessed the Amalekites, and recovered all that was stolen by them.

Are you presently going through any situation, which has made you bow your head in shame or left you feeling inadequate and unsure of yourself? Maybe all you want to do right now is throw in the towel or quit the fight. Don’t! Brace up like David did, encourage and continually tell yourself what God has said concerning you and watch Him supernaturally lift you up by turning events around in your favour.

This is your month of supernatural lifting. Your lifting is inevitable and incontestable, so don’t give up by quitting now.

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