The Power of a Kind Gesture

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”–Leo Buscaglia

A lady told me of her experience way back in school. She had ceased going to church for a very long time because she got discouraged by the conducts of her leaders in church. One day, a friend of hers living in the next room invited her to their fellowship and she decided to honour the invitation and go along with her friend to a Sunday service. She admitted feeling at home in the company of other worshippers, but immediately the sermon ended, just before the grace was shared, she left the worship auditorium. But something happened that had a great impact on her and the course of her life.

Just as she was leaving the sanctuary, the vice president of the fellowship walked towards her, greeted her with a genuine and broad smile, and told her “God bless you.” That became a game changer for this sister, who had wandered far away from the loving arms of her Father in heaven. Something resonated deep within her despite the few words spoken by this pastor, and from that moment she decided to be a member of that fellowship. All through her days on that campus, she served as a full-fledged, dedicated member of the fellowship and was even appointed as a hall pastor before she left.

It is pertinent to say at this point that this sister had visited other fellowships prior to this encounter because despite being far away from God, something deep within her had always yearned for her Maker. But the turning point for her came through a channel who allowed himself to be used by God with just a few words and a genuine smile that reflected the love of Christ.

The simplest of things we make available to God can be used by Him to achieve the greatest of all miracles. Take for instance, the miracle of feeding the five thousand men with the lunch pack of a little boy, which was five loaves and two fishes, in John 6:5-15. If the boy had held on to that lunch and did not release it for the Master’s use, they would not have experienced that wonderful miracle of feeding the multitude, inclusive of the fragments (left overs) which filled twelve baskets after all the people had eaten to satisfaction.

I want to encourage us today to avail ourselves of every opportunity to be a blessing to someone. We don’t have to do anything extraordinary, but even the little that we do with genuineness of the heart can be used by God to work wonders that have long-lasting impacts in other people’s lives.We are in a peculiar time and are saddled with peculiar challenges. Let’s make a decision to be the Lord’s eyes, ears, legs, mouth and hands in our present world by being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and not turn a deaf ear or blind eye to the needs of those around us.


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