February 2015: Your month of Supernatural Triumph

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

For triumph to take place, there must be some form of battle or struggle. If you are alive, you need constant triumph because there is hardly a day without a struggle. Those struggles only differ in nature and magnitude.

Recently, I have been studying the book of Exodus – the story of the children of Israel’s struggle in Egypt and their triumph over Pharaoh. A few points made an impression on my spirit man.

The first one was when God told Moses to lift up his hand. Immediately he obeyed, there was darkness everywhere on the Egyptian side of the town but there was light on the Israelites’ side.

God explained to me that when we lift our hands, it’s not just a motion; it is a significant spiritual act. Lifting your hands is a sign of surrender to God inviting Him to take total control of your situation. And He always does a wonderful job.

The second point I noticed was that after the deliverance from Egypt, their enemy did not rest. Pharaoh sent his army after the children of Israel, causing them to panic because they thought Pharaoh’s army would annihilate them. This is a reminder that the devil never gives up, so we should never let our guards down, especially after a major breakthrough. The truth is that this pursuit did not catch God by surprise; He planned it to reveal His glory. It might not be easy to understand, but what you are going through is because God wants to reveal His glory in your life.

Do you know that God is an invisible actor in our life story? The main actor does not die in a movie because the storyline is centred on him. Our story is centred on God and we know that He has never lost a battle. The way He won the battle for the Israelites was phenomenal. The pillar of cloud, which had been moving in the front, changed position and stood behind them. Do not lose heart in your situation; God has got your back. It may seem like the enemies are close but be assured that God is with you, separating you from them and making sure that they can never get to you, just like it happened for the Israelites.

Then Moses lifted up his hand and the Red Sea parted; water turned into a SOLID WALL so they could cross over. Any shaky situation in your life is getting stable this month of Supernatural Triumph. Elements are changing their nature for you, sticky mud is becoming hard ground, ice is melting and even the rock is turning into liquid.

After they had all crossed over, Moses lifted his hand again and the sea came together, drowning Pharaoh’s choice army. Lifting up your hand is a declaration of victory and triumph. Beloved, let us practice His presence like never before, lifting our holy hands in worship and see God causing us to triumph.

Lift up your hands! It’s a new month!

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