What Do You Envisage?

14 After Lot had gone, the Lord said to Abram, “Look as far as you can see in every direction—north and south, east and west. 

15 I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants as a permanent possession. (Genesis 13: 14-15) NLT

Compliments of the seasons!

Welcome to your year of open doors, new dreams and possibilities.It’s not unusual for most of us, at the beginning of a new year, to deeply reflect on the events of the previous year,evaluate our achievements or non-achievements, re-strategize and plans for the year ahead.Looking back, the past year was, for some of us, indeed wonderful despite the economic recession. For others it was just okay, while some had it really tough. Irrespective of how the previous year went, we are still in a good place to offer up thanks to the Lord, who has kept us this far in spite of everything. Remember, it is only the living that can praise the Lord, re-strategize, pray and work towards a better year.

It’s a brand new day, a brand new year. Irrespective of how we fared in the previous year, it is time to let go of past accomplishments or non-accomplishments and look forward to something better. Paul in Philippians 3:13 said,“…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Despite Paul’s numerous accomplishments in the past, he refused to let the past hold him down from reaching forth to something new and better.

Often times we get trapped in past glory or failure,and allow it dictate and control the rest of our lives. This is not the way God would have us live; the path or life of a child of God should always get better and brighter. Your yesterday should not be better than your today or tomorrow. So whether it is a past success or failure, don’t allow it to deter you from reaching forth to new dreams and heights in 2017.

Are you finding it difficult to dream again and draw up new goals?I have a simple piece of advice for you: Go back to God and ask Him to give you a new dream or vision that is in alignment with His purpose for your life. He will give you new dreams and ideas,and if there is a need for the dreams which you once had to be resurrected, He will bring it alive in you once again.

It is essential to have a dream for 2017 because it is what you see that you will draw to yourself and receive.Take the life of Abraham as an example. God had earlier promised to give the land of Canaan to him and his descendants, but He had to bring him out in the cool of the evening and instructed him to look all around him so he could have a mental picture in his heart. God told him specifically that the land would be given to him as far as his eyes could see. Simply put, if you can envisage it, you can have 2017-IMAGEit. So what do you see happening to you and your loved ones in 2017?

Stay blessed!

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