Your Testimony is Your Certification

Whenever a prophetic word is given, it is important to really know and understand the key words of the theme. In the verse quoted above, the key words are- know, strong and exploit. Knowing is the state of being aware or informed, and having a deep understanding of a subject matter, strong in this context means to be courageous and unwavering, while exploits means to accomplish feats that are daring, striking or notable.
The scripture for the month says, those who know their God would be strong and they will do exploits. How well you know a person, puts you in the position to be able to affirm the person’s ability and predict to a large extent what he or she will do under a given situation. The more you get to learn and know the person, the more your confidence in that person’s character or ability is either reinforced or reduced. But, in order to know a person so well, it is imperative that you spend time with that person.
Knowledge is not only restricted to learning and knowing people’s character, and ability. It is an inexhaustible and ever increasing phenomenon that starts from cradle and its cuts across different areas of life. An aspect of learning is going to school to receive formal education, which equips us for the future. In school, teachers teach their students and subsequently test their understanding of the subject through tests and examinations, so as to ascertain how well the students understand what they had been taught. In the same vein, test and trials are life’s means of testing our understanding of “Who” and “What” we believe in.
The fact that we gave our lives to Christ, does not exempt us from life’s challenges. Everyone, both great and small, poor and rich, irrespective of the skin color goes through periods of uncertainties, which either shakes or re-affirms our belief system. In essence, test and trials will come to “examine” what you know and believe about God and, what you know determines what you will do under any given circumstances. But, how do you acquire the knowledge that empowers you to act in faith under any given situation? By simply spending time with God through His Word and prayer.
What you know about God will in a way or the other be subjected to the test, so that your strength can show. You have to be strong in order not to crumble. Remember, the adversary prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for who to devour. If a person crumbles in the face of adversity, he or she can’t do any exploits but if that person stands in the face of daunting situation, his or her trust in God is further reinforced. Your experience benefits you because you come out stronger. Then, you become a testimony and a source of encouragement, not just to yourself, but to those around you, and others who would hear about your story.
It is your ability to pass the test or examinations that determines your certification; your testimony is the “certificate” needed for sharing with others, what God has done. Then, they would be able to say that if this person pulled through during a time of difficulty, then I can also do the same with God on my side.
As you take out time to learn and know God through His Word and prayer, I see you do exploits in Jesus name. Welcome to our Month of Covenant Exploits.

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