February 2015: Your month of Supernatural Triumph

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

For triumph to take place, there must be some form of battle or struggle. If you are alive, you need constant triumph because there is hardly a day without a struggle. Those struggles only differ in nature and magnitude.

Recently, I have been studying the book of Exodus – the story of the children of Israel’s struggle in Egypt and their triumph over Pharaoh. A few points made an impression on my spirit man.

The first one was when God told Moses to lift up his hand. Immediately he obeyed, there was darkness everywhere on the Egyptian side of the town but there was light on the Israelites’ side.

God explained to me that when we lift our hands, it’s not just a motion; it is a significant spiritual act. Lifting your hands is a sign of surrender to God inviting Him to take total control of your situation. And He always does a wonderful job.

The second point I noticed was that after the deliverance from Egypt, their enemy did not rest. Pharaoh sent his army after the children of Israel, causing them to panic because they thought Pharaoh’s army would annihilate them. This is a reminder that the devil never gives up, so we should never let our guards down, especially after a major breakthrough. The truth is that this pursuit did not catch God by surprise; He planned it to reveal His glory. It might not be easy to understand, but what you are going through is because God wants to reveal His glory in your life.

Do you know that God is an invisible actor in our life story? The main actor does not die in a movie because the storyline is centred on him. Our story is centred on God and we know that He has never lost a battle. The way He won the battle for the Israelites was phenomenal. The pillar of cloud, which had been moving in the front, changed position and stood behind them. Do not lose heart in your situation; God has got your back. It may seem like the enemies are close but be assured that God is with you, separating you from them and making sure that they can never get to you, just like it happened for the Israelites.

Then Moses lifted up his hand and the Red Sea parted; water turned into a SOLID WALL so they could cross over. Any shaky situation in your life is getting stable this month of Supernatural Triumph. Elements are changing their nature for you, sticky mud is becoming hard ground, ice is melting and even the rock is turning into liquid.

After they had all crossed over, Moses lifted his hand again and the sea came together, drowning Pharaoh’s choice army. Lifting up your hand is a declaration of victory and triumph. Beloved, let us practice His presence like never before, lifting our holy hands in worship and see God causing us to triumph.

Lift up your hands! It’s a new month!

Welcome to 2015, your year of Supernatural Harvest


 “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once — and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.  I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel: “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.” God, your God, says so. (Amos 9:13-15 MSG)

Fortunately, I have physically been in a field to harvest maize. So I have a full understanding of what harvest means. My great grandma had a huge field where she planted maize, and I remember that when I was younger, we would go and help out during the time of planting and harvest. I witnessed when the oxen ploughed the field and we had to plant the maize. I saw every stage of sowing and reaping. If we had video cameras as they are readily available on phones now, I’m sure I would have recorded these experiences and you would have seen how enjoyable the whole experience was. Well, I like maize so I was excited about the eating part too. We would roast or boil it. But one thing my great grandma ensured was that we kept some maize aside which would be used as seeds for the next planting season.

Let me quickly point out that as you enjoy this season of harvest, remember to set aside some seeds for the next planting season. Don’t eat your seed with your harvest.

We are in the season of supernatural harvest as declared by the servant of God. My experience of harvest cannot be compared to the one we are going to experience this year and beyond. This one comes with supernatural increase and favour.

This also brings to mind the story of Ruth. When Ruth and Naomi got back to Bethlehem, it was the season of barley harvest. Everywhere you go, it will be the season of harvest in Jesus name.

The truth is that Ruth was not even qualified to be in the field because she didn’t plant any seed, but she decided to glean behind the reapers. She strategically positioned herself not only for harvest but for greatness (in the same field Boaz saw her). You are already planted in the family of God, so you are strategically positioned. Momentarily, it looked like things were slow for her as she gleaned from the leftovers. But in no time, God decided to restore all that she had lost and even promoted her. Ruth ended up doing better than gathering behind the reapers: she got married to the owner of the field and God placed her in the lineage of Christ.

In this season of harvest, nobody will be able to compete with you on any level if you understand that you have a covenant with the maker of the universe. Whilst others struggle to set up businesses, you already have been promised in His Word that He gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater. It means you already have supernatural speed. Just as Ruth was taken from the back of the field to the forefront, you will jump queues and break protocols as you reap where you did not sow.

It sounds so good that it almost feels like cheating, but that is how we operate in the realm of the supernatural. If God did it for Ruth, He can and will do it for you as well.

Happy new month!

August: Your Month Of Supernatural Exploits

On Thursday, 31st July, after Pastor Taiwo announced the theme and the scripture for the month, I picked that same promise.

Daniel 11:32b which says, “…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”

As we all know, God does not make a mistake and He is not a God of coincidence. Everything works according to His plan. If God is talking to me, it is left to me to get up and do what He is telling me to do.

The English Standard version puts it this way: “…those who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”

I recently posted an anecdote on Facebook about how I learnt to swim and I think it is appropriate for our theme. After being a spectator at our village dam every time my cousins and I went to swim, I asked them what I should do and was told to just jump in and not allow my feet to hit the bottom of the dam while I paddle. The dam where everyone swam was deep (the water was above my head), so I would usually just go to the shallow end and splash water with my legs.  One day I decided I was not going to be a spectator anymore. I first made my cousins promise to help me if I was drowning, then took the first leap of faith. The feeling was amazing; I did exactly as I was told and I started floating and paddling like them. From that day onward, I swam ‘like a shark’as my boys would say. I acted and overcame my fear of drowning.

As our faces are different, so are our areas of exploits. I think the greatest exploits to be achieved are in the things we do, not so much in the things we get. For one, it could be to stretch oneself to love the unlovable; for another, it could be to go to church, even when you are discouraged, read your Bible, pray or fast. Beloved, there are exploits in staying in the presence of God.
Here is a testimony I shared with the ladies in the Discovery for Women June 2014 rally. One lady in my former church in London had been out of the country for a while when I got married. So, she was pleasantly surprised when she asked after me and was told that I was married and had gone to live in Nigeria. When I heard about it, I was reminded of Matthew 28 when some women went to look for Jesus in the grave. They did not find Him and the angel they met there asked them, why they were looking for the living amongst the dead, for Jesus had risen.

In this month of supernatural exploits, I prophecy that you are moving to your next level in every area of life. People who used to find you in the same place for years will be pleasantly surprised to find out that you are no longer there: you are now pregnant, you have given birth after years of waiting, have got a better job, have moved to your own house, have got married after years of waiting or your spouse has come back after years of fighting and separation. Jesus arose! That means we all have that anointing to rise up this month. Receive your miracle in Jesus name.

Happy new month!


July: Your Month Of Supernatural Perfection


I remember a while back when I tried to learn how to play the keyboard. I was so eager to learn and yet impatient to go through all the stages that when I could not play a worship song on the second day, I gave up training. As a result, I cannot play the keyboard today. I decided instead to use my voice to sing whilst others play the instrument. But I know that if I had wanted it badly, I would have persevered and learnt it.

Simply put, I abandoned this learning project. You and I are God’s projects. He is working something in us, and one thing is for sure: He will not abandon us.

The theme scripture for the month is “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me: thy mercy, O Lord, endures for ever: forsake not the works of Your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)

The dictionary meaning of perfection is “to finish” or “bring to an end.” Is there any stagnant or abandoned project in your life? The time for its completion is now, in Jesus name.

In our theme scripture for the month (Psalm 138:8), God has promised to perfect all that concerns us. Every seeming stagnant or abandoned project in your life will be brought to an expected end in Jesus name.

You might have given up on your marriage because of all the difficulties involved, or you are considering giving up on getting a better job, getting married or even having a child. Giving up those hopes now is like giving up because you are not able to play a worship song on the second day of learning to play a keyboard.

Patience is an essential virtue for the completion of anything. This is why James 1:4 enjoins us to “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” An uncompleted building always looks ugly but the same building becomes enchanting at completion. Imagine how long it took to complete our new church auditorium and how unattractive it was at some points; but today it is a beautiful building, inspiring joy and pride. This same principle applies in our lives –God has taken you through all the stages and now is the time for supernatural completion.

Some people may have given up on you; even you may have given up on yourself, but God has not. Your perfection is now, in Jesus name. Don’t allow frustration to remove you from the faith. Get up and try again, you will get it this time. I believe, do you believe?

Happy new month!


June: Your Month Of Rich Fulfillment

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the month of June; it is still your month of Rich Fulfilment.

The theme scripture for the month is still “For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs. You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfilment.” (Psalm 66:10-12)

It is not a mistake that we have for this month the same theme we had last month; God is out to get you richly fulfilled. Every long-standing problem will be brought to an end this month in Jesus name. You will not only hear about this theme but you will be a partaker of the gift of fulfilment in every area of your life in Jesus name.

So God has brought you to a place of rich fulfilment; does it just end there? He expects you to also pour into the lives of others around you as He has done for you. God allowed you to go through all that you have been through so you can use your story and what He has blessed you with to bless others. You are blessed to be a blessing. In being a blessing, you create room to receive more.

In John 21, after Jesus told Peter where to cast his net, having toiled all night without a catch, he caught such a bountiful harvest that his net began to break (rich fulfilment). Jesus subsequently asked him to feed and tend His sheep, indicating that all he had learnt, seen and acquired was not solely for him but for the entire body of Christ. This equally applies to people who think they are yet to be richly fulfilled.

One of the quickest ways to get richly fulfilled is by reaching out to others with what you have no matter how little. In Acts 9 verse 36-41, Dorcas helped the widowed and destitute in Joppa with the little she had, such that when she died, they wept and called for Peter, and she got her testimony of rich fulfilment (her life was restored). Your rich fulfilment will not be cut short in Jesus name.

The source of rich fulfilment is God, as I stated in the letter I sent last month. He has made a promise to richly fulfil you and He will. What you do with all that is up to you.

As stated in verse 13 of our theme scripture, reach out to God in gratitude, fulfil your vows and help others.

Happy new month!

May: Your Month Of Rich Fulfillment

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the month of May, your month of Rich Fulfillment.

The theme scripture for the month says “For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs. You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.” (Psalm 66:10-12)

 The phrase ‘rich fulfillment’ also means a wealthy place. The Strong’s definition of wealthy place is ‘running over, saturation, abundantly satisfied.’

The question one should ask oneself is: where do I find fulfillment?

The different answers to this question reflect each individual’s view of life. Some people find fulfillment in sports, others in their families, friends, workplace, business, parties or God. And in most cases, if this source of fulfillment is removed, people get into all forms of vices; some get depressed, some commit suicide… the list is endless. I have heard of football fans who have committed suicide because their preferred league was out of season for a while. What about spouses who kill each other because of infidelity? You often hear of people who lost their minds because they lost their job, or their business failed.

Though we cannot water down the pain of all these bad things which happen to people (and we do not wish such to happen to any of us), we know one thing for certain: when such things happen they should push us to our real place of rich fulfilment – God. It is only in God that you can find rich fulfilment, fulfilment that can never diminish. I am not saying your life will be a fairytale, but there is an assurance in God that regardless of what you go through, you will always win.

You might be going through some situation (water, fire or affliction), but God has declared the month of May as our month of rich fulfilment. That is what we believe and that settles it. Even if the devil tries all his dirty tricks on you, set the Lord always before you. Because he is at you right hand, you will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8). You will only be moved by what God said and not what the devil does to stop it from happening. When God opens doors for you and the devil sends his angels to block the way (1 Corinthians 16:9), do not be afraid or confused; you are getting richly fulfilled.

Enter into your wealthy place in Jesus name.

Happy new month!

April: Your Month Of Supernatural Enlargement

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the beginning of a new quarter in the year 2014, your month of Supernatural Enlargement.

When the theme for this month was declared, I remembered a funny dream I had in 2006; I went to the optician to get a glass and he gave me the smallest one. I wasn’t satisfied and looked at him strangely because I want a bigger glass that would fit my face, but he encouraged me to try the small glass. The minute I tried on the glass, it started to expand till it became my actual size.

This is the name way God will expand and enlarge you this month to fit His will. Even if your dreams and vision are small, as you take a step with God in this month, He will enlarge and fulfill them. Every seed that you plant this month will yield a harvest of supernatural enlargement in Jesus name. In Genesis 26, Isaac sowed in a land of famine and he reaped a bountiful harvest, so shall it be for you in Jesus name.

Isaiah 54: 2-3 says “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwelling, Do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. You shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendant will inherit the nations, and make desolate cities inhabited.”

If you have experienced delay or stagnation in any area of your life, be it spiritually, financially, emotionally or physically, get ready for an usual expansion in Jesus name.

March: Your Month Of Supernatural Strength

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the third month of the year 2014, our month of Supernatural Strength.

I know, it is same theme as last month, but God does not just repeat words, He is emphasizing supernatural strength because he wants us to get it (all of it).

In Nehemiah 8:10, Ezra told the grieving children of Israel “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” And in verse 12, all the people went their way to eat and drink, and send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them.

Their change in attitude was informed by their understanding of what was said to them. Your understanding determines what you receive. That is why Apostle Paul prayed that the “Eyes of understanding be enlightened.” The children of Israel were grieving having realized their evil ways but changed their attitude to rejoicing immediately the word was spoken. I declare to you today, everything that has made you grieve will be turned into joy. Wipe your tears for your days of weeping are over in Jesus name. God will fill your mouth with singing in Jesus’ name.

In 1 Samuel 17, the army of Israel did not understand their right as covenant children of God that was why they cowered at the threat of Goliath. But David, understanding the nature of the God and wanting to take away the reproach from Israel (verse 26) confronted Goliath and we all know his success story. David understood and went out of his way to defend the honour of Israel. This is in line with one of the instructions of Ezra, he told them to go out of their way to give to those that had none. As you go out of your way for others this month, God will make things happen for you in Jesus name.

In this month of March, march into an era of joyful living in Jesus name. The devil will not steal your joy.